PRE - ENROLLMENT is now available online at Remember when enrolling your student(a) this year you will need to go to the school’s website. The WPS app will not have the enrollment link. We will have stations set up for enrollment day August 9th in both the Elementary and High School from 8:00am to 12:00pm
over 6 years ago, Brandon Bookout
Attention parents! There has been a change in time for sports physicals. They will now be at 8:30 August 2nd. Please download the proper paperwork from our website and have filled out when arriving for the physical. Sorry for the change and confusion. Have a great weekend! It’s a great day to be a Chief!
over 6 years ago, Shawn Tennyson
Parents and friends of Waukomis Football. The Football staff has put together a work day this Friday morning stating at 6 and also this Saturday morning starting at 7. They are asking for any and all help. Help needed ranges from scrapping paint, painting, fence mending, welding work, torching work, moving items etc. Please come out and help us get ready for another exciting year of CHIEF football. Thank you in advance and it’s a great day to be a CHIEF!
over 6 years ago, Shawn Tennyson
Waukomis Schools has partnered with Dr. Ferrell to provide sports and bus physicals. They will be held August 2nd starting at 1:30 in the High School. There will be no charge. The only requirement is to have paperwork filled out signed and ready to go. You can get paperwork from the website. It’s a great day to be a Chief!
over 6 years ago, Shawn Tennyson
All 6th garage through 8 th grade girls wanting to play softball we will meet and practice Monday morning at 9 a m at the Waukomis softball field
over 6 years ago, Shawn Tennyson
over 6 years ago, Brandon Bookout
over 6 years ago, Brandon Bookout
All girls entering the 7th-12th grade in 2018-2019 and are interested in playing softball need to come to a parent/player meeting on June 29th @ 6:00 PM in the gym.
over 6 years ago, Matt Cue
Check out this flyer from the Enid Public Library
over 6 years ago, Brandon Bookout
Enid Library
First look at our 8-Man All Stars. Go get’em Lane ans Kade! #itsagreatdaytobeachief
over 6 years ago, Brandon Bookout
Lane Briggs and Kade Wheeler
Waukomis Public Schools is hiring! Follow the link to take a look #ITSAGREATDAYTOBEACHIEF
over 6 years ago, Brandon Bookout
Congratulations Lane Briggs, Sydnie Landwehr, Brooklyn Owens, and Madison Rhodes for getting the opportunity to represent Waukomis at the 8 man All Star game.
over 6 years ago, Brandon Bookout
Mark your calendars
almost 7 years ago, Brandon Bookout
The Pride of Waukomis
almost 7 years ago, Shawn Tennyson
Congratulations to the HS Chief band. They made a superior today at the Tri State competition!!! Its a great day to be a chief!!!
almost 7 years ago, Shawn Tennyson
"SO MANY MEMORIES SO FEW YEARBOOKS Yearbooks are going fast, and supplies are limited. Order now for $30.00 before they're completely gone. School is almost out on May 17th, and the deadline to order is quickly approaching. Get your orders in to Mr. Dykstra now, or go to and place your order online. *Checks should be payable to Waukomis Yearbook."
almost 7 years ago, Brandon Bookout
Congratulations to the 2018 Waukomis State FFA Degree recipients Trenton Terrel & Danaka Thrower.
almost 7 years ago, Matt Cue
Covington-Douglas: The 5/6 grade track meet for Wednesday is being moved to Thursday due to forecasted weather.
almost 7 years ago, Brandon Bookout
2018 Waukomis Prom! Its nice to see these kiddos all dressed up and having fun!!
almost 7 years ago, Matt Cue